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map.gif (19220 bytes)Mp3's

About MP3's
        .mp3 or mpeg3, is an audio file. Mp3's are compressed cd-quality digital sounds, they are smaller than .Wav files because sounds are emmitted that the human ear can not hear. Many people make mp3's out of the songs on their music cd's and upload them to the net for others to have. A four-minute song is about 5 Mg. in mp3 format. You can probably find just about any song youv ever heard on the net somewhere. After you download the .mp3 soundfile you need an "mp3 player" to play the song/sound on your computer. I recommend Winamp, but there are many others. If you want to make your own mp3's you will need a "cd-ripper" (A program that grabs the files from your audio cd), and an "Mp3 Encoder" (A program that converts .wav files into mps format).
         It is important to realize that mp3's are ILLEGAL, and the artist is not reveaving his/her due payment for their work! You are supposed to delete the mp3 files within a 24-hour period of downloading, as a "try before you buy" type of deal. Of coarse, no one can force you to actually delete the MP3 files within 24 hours, but if you like the mp3's you have, support the artist by buying the album!



Monthly MP3
